Saturday 29 March 2014


By all accounts, the autonomous car is coming — and soon. By 2020, nations from the U.S. to Singapore will likely have self-driving cars on roadways. These road-aware vehicles will theoretically do away with nearly all traffic collisions and reduce traffic congestion. Quirky auto designer Rinspeed, however, has fixed its considerable talent on another aspect of the autonomous car: just what to do with the passengers.
Since driving will predominantly be done by the vehicle, passengers (even those in the driver's seat) won't really need to stare blankly out the windshield anymore. Instead, Rinspeed suggests an interior that functions more like a lounge than a driverless taxi. As the front seats of their XchangE concept car swivel around a full 180 degrees, the steering wheel drifts to the center of the dashboard, allowing you to recline towards the windshield. The back seat can also fold down, revealing a 52-inch gesture-controlled 4K-resolution display.

 Passengers will be able to settle in for a good movie or finish up some work they hadn't quite gotten to at the office, all while looking up through a pair of brilliant, LED-lined Plexiglas roof panels covered in a "Radiant" surface coating that reflects light in all the colors of the rainbow. If you're getting sleepy, the XchangE can even brew you up a nice cup of cappuccino.


 All in all, Rinspeed's concept, conceived as an evolution of a Tesla model S, features a record-breaking 20 different seating configurations — two of which even let you take the wheel from each of the front seats. The XchangE will be on show at the Geneva Motor Show next month.


Floating Balloon turbines
Looking like a wayward jet engine, this floating turbine and its brethren could someday travel to every remote corner of the globe. There, they could deliver electricity and Internet connectivity to people and villages living off-the-grid. Unlike their jet-propelling doppelgangers, however, these turbines are going to need a bit of help getting from point A to B.
Think of these floating turbines as the wind farms of the future and you won't be that far off. Developed by Altaeros energies, the floating turbines are designed to take advantage of the powerful prevailing winds that exist 2,000 feet above our heads. Once they've been inflated and deployed, these floating power plants can generate twice the output of a ground-based turbine. The tethers that keep the turbine anchored in place also send that energy ground-ward.

 While in the air, the turbines can also serve as Wi-Fi, cell service hubs, and weather monitoring stations. Furthermore, the turbine's helium-inflated housing is durable enough for deployment in either the blazing sun or freezing snow. Basically, anywhere you install one of these suckers, you instantly get data coverage, electricity and local weather data, even if your previous system involved a sun dial and carrier pigeons. The things even have a cool name: the BAT. Heck, we've already got Wi-Fi and we'd like one of these floating above the DVICE offices.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Future Transportation

Future Transportation

Future homes will not only be smart in a green and energy conservation sense but they’ll also be empowered with robotics, food supply management, facial recognition security, resource and energy management plus so much more.
Cities of the future will efficiently move people are cargo around with leading edge public and private transportation. Food crops will be grown inside large cities and distributed locally. Solar panels and other technology will provide future distributed energy resources to power cities locally.
These pages may hold product and tech reviews of emerging technology but then they’ll be followed by future technology predictions based upon this technology. See for yourself. Then use your third eye and see beyond what your eyes and imagination now tell you is possible.

Future Bionics

Future Bionics

Future electronics will go way beyond the iPad
using  holograms and other virtual reality technology. What once was believed to be science fiction will simply be known as science.  Future robotic surgery will mean more precision, less complication and faster healing. Medical databases will interact at light speed to give the utmost in patient care for disease and injuries.

Future bionics will not only combine man (and woman) and machine, but also artificial intelligence with human intellect. Questions such as what is the mind, consciousness and the soul will be answered and integrated between neurons and electronics.
Future homes will not only be smart in a green and energy conservation sense but they’ll also be empowered with robotics, food supply management, facial recognition security, resource and energy management plus so much more.

Future Living Style

One can only envision the future technology that our kids and grand-kids will be able to use on a daily basis. Future technology will allow the generation of today to live longer due to advances in medicine, use more high tech computers and electronics than we can now imagine, and drive future cars with no emissions and zero carbon footprints.
Not only that but our grandchildren will take advantage of future energy, smart homes and cars, robots and bionics to serve them and make life easier. Future weapons will actually be smarter, more precise and reduce the need for machismo among countries and will encourage non-proliferation.

Future space technology will bring spacecraft to the far reaches of this solar system and beyond. Space tourists will actually get to fly to Mars as in the movie Total Recall. Future education technology will mean students will learn faster, retain information longer, process information and retain memory like we can now not even imagine.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Voido glossy black by Ron Arad

We love the new version ”glossy black” of the famous Rocking chair Voido. Originally conceived in blow moulding, Voido was presented at the 2005 Furniture Fair in a “mould testing” phase under which it suffered greatly. Underestimated by Magis and Arad alike, the latter of whom jokingly wrote on the prototype, “This is not rotation moulding! First attempt in big scale blow moulding. Almost there!” But not a thing could be done to alleviate the technical suffering, as trial after trial made evident. So the Voidoblow moulding combination was given up in exchange for rotational moulding that features new and decidedly superior aesthetics. Now Voido is ready for the market. A sculpture by Ron Arad.

Revolutions Per Hour Sofa by Fabio Novembre